Ume Oki

Freelance Hunter


Ume Oki is a Plainsfolk Lalafell making a living in Ul'dah as a freelance hunter. Despite her small stature, she is full of love and energy. She will do anything for her friends around her, even if it involves getting her hands (or anything, for that matter) dirty.



Lore is gonna go here i prommyyyy


Standing at 2 feet and 10 inches tall, Ume is on the shorter side when it comes to Lalafell. Her hair is black, and the ends are dyed a silverly lavender color. She has heterochromia, with one yellow eye and one green/teal eye. Most of the time, she can be seen wearing a dingy black and beige top and tall black boots.

Notable Relationships (WIP)

Tataru Taru: ⏺⏺⏺⏺⏺ (Crushing on)