Welcome to the Library!
This is a list of all the books I currently have!

Beyond the Clouds: The Girl Who Fell From the Sky Vol. 1 By Nicke
Number of Pages: 208
Status: Not yet read.
Expectations: I grabbed this one today (9/30) because the cover caught my eye. I'm looking forward to something that just gives me that feeling of childlike wonder. On the back it says "A dreamlike oddysey that's part Studio Ghibli part Final Fantasy!" and I just KNOW I'll be a sucker for something like that. I just want a story that makes me feel happy. I expect it'll be cute.

Girl Friends: The Complete Collection 1 By Milk Morinaga
Number of Pages: 496
Status: Not yet read.
Expectations: In all honesty, this was an impulse purchase. I don't really know what it's about. I'm just expecting some relatively basic yuri, I suppose! It's hard trying to figure out what yuri manga will be good, so I suppose only time will tell with this one.

(Unofficial) Hatsune Mix By KEI
Number of Pages: 480
Status: Read
Thoughts: This was the second manga I ever bought! I read it cover to cover TWICE in fifth grade (Nine years ago? This is a literature page not a math page.) It's been a while since I've read it, but I LOVED it as a kid. It's just nostalgic to me at this point. It's a compilation of several different stories, each chapter being a different story using the Crypton Vocaloids as the characters.

I Am a Cat Barista Vol. 1 By Hiro Maijima
Number of Pages: 140
Status: Read
Thoughts: I enjoyed this one! It's just a story that can make you feel nice. I'd definitely recommend it if you want an easy read and you really like cats.

Kase-San and Yamada Vol. 1 By Hiromi Takashima
Number of Pages: 170
Status: Partially read.
Thoughts: Baby's first yuri manga! I got close to finishing it, but never did for some reason. I really did love what I read, though. It's got a super cute art style and managed to get me intrigued in its characters even if I (apparently) grabbed the wrong book in the series! I didn't realize there were books before this one!

My Lesbian Experience with Loneliness By Nagata Kabi
Number of Pages: 152
Status: Partially read.
Thoughts: Nagata Kabi's writing is wonderful, and I feel like she conveys things so well through her art style. There was a good amount of stuff I can relate to in this book, and I am definitely going to get back to this one. Definitely read it if you want a good, true story on someone's life. It's a unique way to share your own story.

My Solo Exchange Diary Vol. 1 By Nagata Kabi
Number of Pages: 168
Status: Not yet read.
Expectations: I LOVE Nagata Kabi's writing and can relate to a lot of it. What I've read from My Lesbian Experience with Loneliness has been a great read, so I have no doubt this one will be just as intriguing.

Puella Magi Madoka Magica Vol. 1 By Magica Quartet
Number of Pages: 144
Status: Read
Thoughts: Another one I read way back in elementary school. I LOVED it, though! I cannot recall the story as well as I could back then, but I do know the premise. I don't think you can ever beat something like this. I hadn't expected the story to be the way it is when I was little, but I wasn't deterred.

Puella Magi Madoka Magica Vol. 2 By Magica Quartet
Number of Pages: 144
Status: Partially read.
Thoughts: In all honesty, I cannot remember what happens in this volume. I never finished it when I was younger. Though, both volumes are rather short, so I'll have to go back and reread them soon!

Special Hazardous Waste Disposal Vol. 1 By sono.N
Number of Pages: 168
Status: Not yet read.
Expectations: Another impusle purchase. Guilty as charged. BUT, the art style is super pretty (and so are the girls on the cover.) Anyway, a yuri plus sci-fi action manga sounds extremely interesting, so I couldn't pass it up.

The Girl I Want is so Handsome! By Yuama
Number of Pages: 338
Status: Read
Thoughts: I can describe this one as "This yuri sure does have yuri in it." And, really, I enjoyed reading it. It didn't really stick out to me, but I grabbed it while I was on the hunt for more yuri manga. It's longer, but I still think it was an easy read.

Tokyo Ghoul Vol. 1 By Sui Ishida
Number of Pages: 224
Status: Read
Thoughts: Once again, Tokyo Ghoul is a series I read when I was younger. Too young to be reading it? Perhaps. Did I enjoy it? Yes. The art is super nice, and I may have never been too particularly attached to the characters back then, but I remember enjoying reading both volumes I have!

Tokyo Ghoul Vol. 2 By Sui Ishida
Number of Pages: 208
Status: Read
Thoughts: Just like my thoughts on the first volume, I read this way too young. I don't know if I'll reread it, but I remember enjoying it!

Tomie By Junji Ito
Number of Pages: 752
Status: Currently reading.
Expectations/Thoughts: I've been wanting to read one of Junji Ito's works for AGES. I picked Tomie because the concept just intrigued me. I'm already a few pages in, and I love the art style. Can't wait for things to build up! I'm excited to see into Tomie's character herself, and see her thoughts as to why she does what she does.

The Way of the House Husband Vol. 1 By Kousuke Oono
Number of Pages: 160
Status: Read
Thoughts: A definite good read! The characters are fun, and it's just funny seeing Tatsu go about his life when he's... really scary. A fun series, would recommend!

The Way of the House Husband Vol. 2 By Kousuke Oono
Number of Pages: 160
Status: Read
Thoughts: Just like the first volume, fun story and characters!
-Game Lore Books-

Encyclopaedia Eorzea By Square Enix
Number of Pages: 304

Encyclopaedia Eorzea II By Square Enix
Number of Pages: 304

Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn - The Art of Eorzea - Another Dawn - By Square Enix
Number of Pages: 304

Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward - The Art of Ishgard - Stone & Steel - By Square Enix
Number of Pages: 304

Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers - The Art of Reflection - Histories Forsaken - By Square Enix
Number of Pages: 303

Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers - The Art of Reflection - Histories Unwritten - By Square Enix
Number of Pages: 295

Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker - The Art of Resurrection - Among the Stars - By Square Enix
Number of Pages: 287

NieR Art – Koda Kazuma Works By Square Enix/Koda Kazuma
Number of Pages: 160